Rachel L. West, MSW, LMSW
Happy Election Day! This is an extremely important election and as Social Workers we should all be keenly aware of what is at stake if Mitt Romney is elected. We will be facing extreme cuts to an already strained welfare system, a potential repeal of the Affordability Care Act, Roe V Wade would be in more jeopardy than it already is, and you don’t even want to think about the threat to social justice advancements (women’s rights and GLBT rights would be rolled back into the 1950s).
This is why it is so important to get out and vote. Even if you are looking at seven hour-long lines in states like Florida you need to tough it out and vote. Rachel Maddow did a bit at the end of her show tonight on preparing for election day poll lines. If you vote in one of these states bring a folding chair, pack snacks and water bottles; but no matter what do not relinquish your right to cast you ballot.
Furthermore, if you live in NY Congressional District 1 vote for Congressman Tim Bishop (D). Randy Altschuler is just Mitt Romney lite. He made millions of dollars by advising companies to outsource jobs and would be a disaster for Long Island families.
I agree that it is important to exercise our rights to vote. Ms. West however appears to be ignorant of how government works, and about business and finances. Obama has put this country in more debt than all the previous presidents combined. He has never had a budget approved. His overspending has impacted this country greatly and has caused many businesses to stop hiring and go out of business.
Most of what a president spends is approved by the house and senate. 2008-2010 the Democrats had control over the house, senate, and the white house which is one reason he got away with spending so much. Romney would work with both parties to reduce debt and excess waste, he alone can do very little in cutting programs, the house and senate must approve of most all cuts. He will work to balance the budget. No organization should ever spend more than they have, debt kills prosperity. Mitts experience is going into organizations and helping them balance their budgets and be prosperous. The US is loosing it’s rank and going downhill fast largely due to the bad financial decisions over the past 20 years, and big time the last 3.
As far as social issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc., the president again has no control over this issue unless they do an illegal executive mandate like Obama has done several times and got away with it because the Dems had control of both houses. The main role of the president is to manage and protect, (which he did not do in Benghazi when he denied help to the embassy when it was under attack) . The house and senate have the largest impact and control of any law. The president can try to influence others and once the house and senate approves a bill the president can sign it. If the president veto’s anything, the house and senate can overide the president.
The health affordable act is not sustainable and will kill business and prosperity. Every nation that has tried this has problems funding it and overall has failed. Rural areas in other countries can’t get doctors to practice in their towns because the pay is too low and conditions too poor. Doctors in socialized medicine countries are changing professions at alarming rates creating a shortage of medical staff. It also restricts business, kills business, and creates reasons to locate to another country. Parts of the act are good but far too much will destroy business and jobs. I doubt Ms West has read the entire act as few have including those who voted for it.
Without business there are no jobs. Without rich people, many industries would not exist and more would be without jobs. Some businesses in order to survive and be able to save some jobs, they must send jobs to other countries where there are less taxes and fees. Most all 401K’s, pensions, etc invest in multiple companies and yes many companies will have jobs in other countries. Many pensions will invest in foreign companies just like president Obama’s pension invests in companies that have sent US jobs overseas to China.
In regards to social justice you might want to check your history. Republicans were the ones that pushed to pass civil rights. The well known “I Have A Dream” speech given by MLK was a speech written and given 10 years earlier during a Republican convention by the original writer.
Giving out money and entitlements without any responsibility on the receiver is keeping a person down. Teaching them how to take care of themselves and taking responsibility for their own lives creates positive self esteem and prosperity.
The way to keep someone down is to keep them dependent which is what most entitlement programs have created.
I wish and hope that social workers will stop pushing for entitlements that keep clients in poverty. Instead we need to lift up our clients and give them the skills to succeed, they can’t be empowered by a lifelong dependence on government. . Social programs that work best and are effective are local community programs largely run by volunteers and peers. Depending on federal government has caused much of the social problems today. I must disagree with Ms. West in her views.
Go vote….