by Angel Ofire
The one thing on earth that urks my chain is when others take advantage of those who are vulnerable.
For example, the elderly is a classic, these are the groups of people who people will scam on purpose and take advantage of their lack of skills when it comes to an online presence, as the elderly have somewhat a trusting demeanour about them, a certain naivety if you will.
Another example is those who have a mental illness, for whatever reason people out there seem to find it justifiable to take advantage of a person who is in a situation where they are suffering from a mental illness.
Then there are those who maybe semi-literate or illiterate as church groups and the likes of have them sign themselves into which ever program it is that is aimed allegedly to assist this group of individuals and the individual has no understanding of what it is that he or she is signing into, much less a total and full understanding of what the group is aimed at providing.
When we have families out there sleeping in cars with make shift accommodations, adolescents who are doing it rough (for lack of better words), and elderly who are being used and abused on a daily basis while, the majority seem to turn a blind eye to it.
If we don’t see it or pretend we don’t see it, then its not really going on. This seems to be the attitude of those who bury their heads in the proverbial sand and ignore situations that are causing people to fall further into the pit of poverty and no self-worth.
Is there any hope left out there?