Videos have become part of main stream America, just Google Tobuscus or watch the Justin Bieber movie to see the influence of YouTube on their careers. Any Linkster or Y generation kid will know who you are talking about. So what does this have to do with social work? Here is opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity is to identify and develop client specific content. The challenge is to take the next step of creating your own educational videos to address your populations. Video recorders are available for a minimum amount of money or can be obtained on e-bay for even less. Windows 8 comes with free video editing software to make it easy to deliver your educational message. It is not as difficult as you may think…
Here is an excerpt from “How to Craft the Perfect Instructional Video:
We’ve now discussed how to create effective event and testimonial videos. In this article, we’ll explore how to create the instructional video, which is probably the most scalable form of social media video content. It’s not bound by the frequency of events or the availability of a testimonial subject (although you may want to feature an outside expert as explained below). Social media in general is a great forum to provide support and the instructional video can be a great tool that helps your customers better use your products.
Instruction options
Any IT related product has an inherent opportunity for the creation of instructional videos. Most software products, whether on web, mobile, or desktop, have many features that customers either aren’t aware of or aren’t familiar with how to use in an optimal way. Creating a series of instructional videos with one video per feature or function is a great way of creating interesting video content that really helps your customers.
For physical goods products, there are a lot of instructional video topics that can stem from how to use the product. For example, cosmetics have an unending instructional video opportunity that can teach people how to look great. The best thing about instructional videos is that they afford you a chance to give customers useful information while featuring what your products can do in a way that directly drives sales.
Links to examples of client specific videos:
How to Interview for a Job : Skills Assessment for a Job Interview