Mesothelioma is a highly dangerous and rare form of cancer that is typically caused by asbestos exposure. Because of this, it is vital for people to be aware of the risk that they are taking if they frequent or work in a building that is old enough to still have asbestos insulation. Additionally, people such as mechanics who work with automobiles are still at risk because several countries outside of the U.S. use asbestos as one of the materials in their parts.
What are the Symptoms?
Sadly, most people who have mesothelioma will not receive the proper diagnosis until it is too late to save their life. However, getting immediate medical attention as soon as you begin exhibiting symptoms is one of the best ways to increase your odds of surviving. The most common symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, night sweats, decreased appetite and weight loss. Some patients will also experience vocal changes and issues with their diaphragm.
How is it Contracted?
Research indicates that being exposed to asbestos for as little as one month can lead to a mesothelioma diagnosis several decades later. Unfortunately, asbestos disease has an extremely long latency period, and this means that it can take up to 70 years for you to learn that you are suffering from this medical condition. Patients who begin experiencing the symptoms of mesothelioma will need to undergo a biopsy in order to get a conclusive diagnosis.
What is the Most Common Prognosis?
As previously mentioned, most people are unaware that they have mesothelioma until it is too late. In these cases, the average life expectancy is one year. However, there are various treatment techniques that can be utilized depending on the stage of the disease that the patient has. The most common treatments include radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy.
What are My Legal Options?
If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have the legal right to file a lawsuit against any companies or manufacturers that were involved in your asbestos exposure. For example, if you work for a construction company and dealt with asbestos on a regular basis, you can sue that company and the manufacturer of the asbestos insulation that you came into contact with. In fact, many asbestos manufacturers have a remediation account set aside to deal with this issue.
However, it will still be very important to contact an experienced mesothelioma attorney to help you build your case. After all, it can be very difficult to prove that the disease is linked to a job that you had several decades ago. Fortunately, a lawyer who was dealt with other mesothelioma cases will have the necessary knowledge to help you move forward with a viable lawsuit. Even if you have an inoperable version of mesothelioma, you should still consider taking legal action so that your family’s financial needs will be taken care of.
Keep in mind that asbestos could be present in any old home or office building that you enter. This problem is especially prevalent in New York City, so it is a good idea to do some research before you unwittingly put yourself at risk for developing mesothelioma later in life.
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