Paid Maternity Leave: A Policy Imperative
Living in a country so focused on the reproductive behaviors of women, from contraception to abortion, it seems preposterous that...
Ruth C. White, PhD, MPH, MSW is the Social Policy Staff Writer for Social Work Helper. She is also a mental health and social/health policy activist who is Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Southern California (USC). Prior to her PhD she spent 3 years teaching in the School of Social Work at San Francisco State University. After graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, she gained tenure at Seattle University and now teaches in the Virtual Academic Center program at USC. She is the author of Bipolar 101 and Preventing Bipolar Relapse and edited Global Case Studies in Maternal and Child Health. She has worked as a social worker in Canada, the USA and the UK.
Living in a country so focused on the reproductive behaviors of women, from contraception to abortion, it seems preposterous that...
I have often expressed my intellectual, personal and ethical discomfort with the extensive 'subjectification', more trendily termed "participation', of poor...
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