This document was submitted to the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work and NASW-NC for Review prior to submitting to the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE). I would love to hear your thoughts. My hopes are to gain enough support, comments, testimonials prior to submission to Council for Social Work Education. So, they can see the need for assessment and change.
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The proposal was sent to the Council for Social Work Education and to the Congressional Social Work Caucus. Here is the email response sent to me by CSWE President Darla Coffey. NASW-NC and the National Association of Social Workers in Washington D.C has also responded and offered support. NASW National followed up with CSWE on November 30, 2012. However, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill did not respond to my request for support.
I hope so, Rachel
Michael, I want to thank you for reviewing my proposal with a trained eye in dealing with accreditation issues. It allowed me to tweak my argument to clearly define the policy issues to be challenged. I started working on this proposal in graduate school, and it was dormant for along time before I decided to pull it out again. I found courage, and it’s because of all the voices echoing the same sentiment.
The beauty of this is that it focuses on clarifying how programs interpret the requirements. The policy is solid, but the interpretation and application makes working students face impossible choices. CSWE is ensuring that field is important, but the proposal argues that field integrity can be maintained AND policy can be implemented to favor learning over just following the rule.
This sounds promising.
Thank you Michigan Girl…..I am glad that you like the proposal. I sent the proposal to the CSWE and the Congressional Social Work Caucus. I updated the post to share the email response I received from the CSWE President Darla Coffey.
This sounds like an excellent proposal. However, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) sets the guidelines for the social work curriculum in BSW and MSW programs. CSWE created the mandatory 900-hour field instruction requirement. NASW can push the issue, but CSWE has final say on the matter. If you want real change, you will need to address the CSWE board. I hope this helps.
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