by Angel Ofire
I believe in treating others in the way you wish to be treated, therefore showing respect is something that should yet sadly often doesn’t come naturally to people.
Does it really take that much to ask another if they are ok?
Is it the fear their reply may be no I am not ok and you may have to help the person in some way that stops us from asking this simple question or is it the fact we simply have become complacent and act as though if things don’t affect us directly or have any form of impact on our lives then things don’t matter therefore why bother asking somebody if they are ok?
I am a firm believer of treating others as you would expect to be treated yourself, I also believe in showing people respect, it is part of me, part of who I am, a part I don’t consider to be a bad thing.
In fact treating others with dignity and respect is something I assumed that everybody out there did.
This was when I would learn the first rule of life, never to assume.
Assumption itself can be and often is the mother of our down falls, yet it can also be the beginning of a nightmare as assumptions lead to misconceptions which lead to judgments of others than are not accurate, that can be and are often plain wrong.
I fail to see why we don’t ask the simple question of are you ok to another, and further fail to see how any person can see a person in trouble who needs help of any kind and keep walking ignoring this sight, pretending they had not seen it, or simply avoiding it in order to not have to put out their hand and help a person up who may have fallen into the gutter of life.
Not everybody who you see out there has a stereo typical painted persona of the character we have had painted and placed in our minds.
I believe that everybody deserves a chance in life sometimes a 2nd or 3rd chance, and I believe that people are able to change, to a degree, however I do believe we are who we are deep down, and sometimes people don’t or won’t change regardless.
Yet I still could not walk past a person needing my help, and ignore it, I still find myself concerned when seeing an elderly lady in her yard with two tiny dogs, as I ask is there someone else living with her to care for her.
Knowing that this women would not have the physical strength to open a can of soup to feed herself much less be able to clean, and stay on top of her health.
How often do you ask yourself something like that when you see an elderly person struggling? I bet you don’t even give it a second thought as you race past on your busy day thinking to yourself not my problem.