The micro-blogging giant Twitter was hacked according to company reports. Twitter says through their official blogs on Friday that they had been hacked, and 250,000 users account may have been affected.
The company issued a statement stating their number one priority is “keeping our users secure” and vowed continuous effort in keeping twitter secured. There has been a recent uptick in large-scale security attacks aimed at U.S. technology and media companies. Within the last two weeks, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have chronicled breaches of their systems. Also as a precaution, Apple and Mozilla have turned off Java by default in their browsers.
Twitter reported, they detected what appeared to be unusual access patterns which led them to identify the security breach. Twitter representatives stated, “We discovered one live attack and were able to shut it down in process moments later. However, our investigation has thus far indicated that the attackers may have had access to limited user information – usernames, email addresses, session tokens and encrypted/salted versions of passwords – for approximately 250,000 users”.
Technology experts say that this current hack is only the latest high-profile cyber-attack on U.S. media and technology companies. Twitter also reported, “This attack was not the work of amateurs, and we do not believe it was an isolated incident. The attackers were extremely sophisticated, and we believe other companies and organizations have also been recently similarly attacked.”
If you have not change your twitter password, please take time to do it now.