Washington, D.C. —Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced the official re-launch of the Congressional Social Work Caucus during the 113th Congress.
The Congressional Social Work Caucus is dedicated to creating a platform on the Hill to represent the interests of over 600,000 social workers throughout the United States. Created in the 111th Congress, the caucus will continue to initiate and support legislation to address the unique challenges and opportunities that professional social workers are faced with every day.
“I am so proud to take over the reins from my colleague Rep. Towns. As a former social worker, I am passionate about the contribution that social workers make every day to society, and the critical role they play in promoting and maintaining the essential elements of the American social safety net,” said Congresswoman Lee.
Congresswoman Lee joined with other members of the Congressional Social Work Caucus today to re-introduce the Social Work Resolution recognizing March as Professional Social Work Month as well as March 20th as World Social Work Day.
The Congresswoman continued, “The social work profession is unique in that social workers, in all disciplines, use their collective power, every day, to strengthen our nation’s families and communities, to help individuals overcome adversity, and to advance sound social policies.”
Follow Barbara Lee on Facebook and Twitter @RepBarbaraLee. To learn more, visit lee.house.gov