by Kyle Jones
During the summer of 2012, Mayor Bloomberg from New York attempted to ban establishments from serving sugary soda larger than a 16oz cup to fight against obesity. According to the New York Times, opponents of the law is calling Mayor Bloomberg’s ban arbitrary and capricious, and a New York State judge agreed with them. An injunction was issued one day before the law was to take effect.
This case raises an important issue such as governmental intervention in American’s health decisions. Many will argue that the government has no place in trying to regulate American’s health decisions. In other words, these people are advocates of individual responsibility for regulating health decisions.
So how can we take individual responsibility for regulating our food and drink intake? For one, watch what you eat. Doctors and health specialists around the country are seeking better dieting programs and encouraging people to watch what they eat and especially where their food is made from. Most big name companies which offer the many food products you see at your local food mart aren’t always properly treated. Some of the foods contain various chemicals and other substances which are harmful to your health.
One way to eating healthy is by buying your food from local farmers at farmers markets. The food they provide are freshly grown and have less chemicals. Plus, it’s always a great deed to help out your fellow citizens who grow their own food and your food. Also, properly cook your food. Most of us are ignorant to the details of how food is being transported. So to diminish the possibility of words or other infections entering your body, make sure your food thoroughly.
Our bodies have its own mechanisms to fighting obesity; whether you’re awake or asleep. Your body is constantly feeding itself and using what you store to keep itself going. To help this process you need to implement constant movement in your lifestyle. Try to walk more to local areas, ride your bike, or run around your house a couple of times. Any bit of motion which does not involve sitting in a car can aid you into losing a couple of pounds.
What I notice most people do not do is drink the recommended amount of water everyday. Most of the time I witness people drink juice, ice teas, sports drinks, and soda. Ingesting those liquids do not aide your body in replenishing itself. Our bodies are almost made entirely of water so ingesting the recommended amount keeps your body functioning normally. The cells in your body are made of water and the dissolving property of water allows your cells to use the essentials during biological processes.
The last method I would like to mention is a substance which most people have never heard of. It is considered the tree of life and it provide everything you need. It is called the Moringa Oleifera tree. It is a tropical plant grown in usually semiarid, tropical, and subtropical areas. So why haven’t you heard it before? Maybe because of its INCREDIBLE health benefits which can supplement what you receive from milk, bananas, carrots, and oranges! According to Moringa Benefits, the tree, its roots, and its leaves all grant abundant nutritional value. You receive all of the following from this tree in one serving:
- 125% daily value of Calcium
- 61% daily value of Magnesium
- 41% daily value of Potassium
- 71% daily value of Iron
- 272% daily value of Vitamin A
- 22% daily value of Vitamin C
With the above facts in mind, would you classify this tree as the tree of life? If you are a skeptic, take the time to Google, YouTube, or whatever search method you want to find out the facts. You will be surprised by how many testimonials and videos are out their describing this amazing tree and its brilliant properties.
One problem though is the lack of abundance in the United States. If you live in hot and/or dry climate regions you can order the seeds yourself and grow them! They also sell capsules of crushed dried Moringa leaves on the Vitamin Shoppe website. They come in a bottle of about 60 capsules. So within 2 months compare how you felt now to then and notice the difference. I promise you’ll get what you paid for!
Mayor Bloomberg isn’t the only one who finds the obesity rate in our country a problem. It takes more than someone to tell you to get up and take care of yourself. You must be willing to motivate yourself into becoming a better individual. Take these methods, put your trust in them, and be the person you wish to see.