by Deona Hooper, MSW
The North Carolina Partners in Policy Making is currently accepting applications for their 2013 Leadership Training to begin June 8th in Raleigh, North Carolina. The training will have participating leaders on disability from both the national and state level. All applicants accepted by the program will be allowed to attend the training free of cost.
Here is some information from their website:
This training program is free to participants selected to attend. This includes registration for eight sessions, lodging, transportation, and meals, all arranged by Advocacy Institute, Inc., the Project Coordinator of the 2013 Partners in Policymaking project. Partners in Policymaking is funded by the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted electronically or postmarked and mailed by midnight on May 3, 2013. Applications in PDF format can be downloaded here. The application is also available in Spanish, large print, Braille or audiotape upon request. Any questions may be directed to Vonetta Blakely at: 704.649.5627; or you can email Vonetta. Read More
Learn more about them from their video: