by Logan Keziah
Yesterday a 15 year old boy, Tamar Boggs, and a friend rescued a kidnapped 5 year old girl in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After hearing that a little girl was missing in the area, Tamar and a group of his friends got together to form a search party, and set out looking for her. After sometime of searching, the teenagers spotted her in the passenger seat of a nearby car.
Tamar and a friend proceeded to chase the car on their bikes for 15 minutes before the car stopped and the kidnapper let the little girl out of the car. She ran to Tamar, asking for her mom, and he carried her home. The suspect fled the scene after releasing the child, however, authorities found and arrested him within 24 hrs. Tamar and his friends are local heroes for their actions to track down and rescue the missing girl.
The Lancaster authorities announced in a press conference today that they have the suspect in custody, Harold Leroy Herr 73, and they have filed charges. Mr. Herr is facing 11 charges in the abduction and sexual assault of the little girl. Should he be convicted of all of the crimes, the penalty is more than 100 years. The little girl is with her family, and they are asking for respect from the press given the sensitive nature of the situation.
A spokesperson for the Lancaster PD describe the situation as a “nightmare of cases”, and that “there is no punishment we can provide that will make up for what he [Herr] has done”. The local authorities are continuing the investigation to gather all the evidence. You can watch the entire Press conference here.
Watch the video below with Tamar Boggs in an interview posted by LancasterOnline. He explains how he and his friends went from helping an elderly neighbor move furniture to rescuing a 5 year old from a kidnapper.