For many women, the biggest hurdle to overcome after being chosen for a job interview is deciding what to wear in order to make a good first impression. However, for some women, this may cause added depression and anxiety due to the lack of financial resources to maintain professional attire. Disadvantage women are constantly left wondering how to get the resources they need in order to pursue employment without having the financial means to look the part. This is where Dress for Success is changing lives in helping women on their path to economic independence.
On November 16, 2013 at 10 AM, Dress for Success will be holding a public event sale at Northgate Mall in Durham, North Carolina. According to the Northgate Mall website, “Fashion conscious women looking for great bargains can take advantage of great deals on women’s clothing and accessories”. For a $20.00 donation to Dress for Success, shoppers can arrive at 9 AM and enjoy a 1 hour early bird access.
Dress for Success was found in 1997 in New York City, and it has grown to an international nonprofit charity offering services to help clients find and retain employment. The charity has served over 700,000 women around the globe and services approximately 70,000 women per year. Nearly 5,000 organizations around the world refer women to Dress for Success for assistance with gaining employment.
Dress for Success describes its services as:
While we may be best known for providing suits to women, it is our employment retention programs that are the cornerstone of the organization. Soon after Dress for Success was founded we came to recognize that finding work is only one step in a woman’s journey towards economic independence; remaining employed and building a rewarding career are essential if a woman is to become self-sufficient.
To meet the need for services that would help women both find and keep jobs, we established the Professional Women’s Group (PWG) program, which offers women ongoing support as they successfully transition into the workforce, build thriving careers and prosper in the mainstream workplace. Once a woman joins the PWG she is a member for life, able to attend meetings at any affiliate throughout the world, and can benefit from additional employment retention and mentoring programs.
Dress for Success also has developed Career Center, an initiative that promotes confidence and professionalism by providing women career guidance, the chance to acquire technology skills and assistance in their job searches. Read More
For more information, go to Here is a preview from last year’s event.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dress for Success