Finding a therapist that is right for you can be a very daunting process. If you are like me, then you get easily overwhelmed with the number of mental health professionals that are out there. Therapy is an important part of the recovery process so finding a professional in which you can trust can make all the difference. Here are some ways you can begin your search for a therapist.
1. Make a list of the types of therapy you want to try. If you have no idea which type of therapy you want to test, that’s fine. It will allow you to have a broader search when you begin looking. For those of you who already know your interests such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectic behavior therapy and more, add this to you search list.
2. Call your insurance company. This is an important step because it will allow you to really get a great list of professionals that can help you. Your insurance company can provide you with therapists in your area that accepts your insurance plan.
3. Ask around in school. If you are in high school or college, your guidance counselor or counseling center is a great place to start. You can ask of if they know any professionals in the area or even organizations that offer therapy. They might even help you out by putting together a working list of therapists.
3. Utilize your Personal Networks: Word of mouth may be more useful than you think. Asking family members, friends, and coworkers about the therapists they’ve had or heard of can really give you an inside scoop.
4. Google Search: Upon having several therapists on your lists, goggling them can really help to narrow the list even further. Look up their websites, LinkedIn and really think about the pros and cons of each person on your list.
5. Skype and Phone: For those of you who are unable to go out for therapy, it may help to narrow your search for therapists who do Skype and phone consultations. This is a great option because it takes into account those who might have a hard time leaving their homes due to their mental illness.
Regardless of how you get there, remember that finding the right therapists means finding the right one for YOU. Don’t hesitate to test the waters of therapy. If someone isn’t working for you, do not feel obligated to stick with him or her. This is your journey to recovery and it’s okay to put yourself first.