Now Open: CSWE 2014 Call for Volunteers
Response Deadline: 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Dear Colleagues, The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) invites you to apply to be considered to serve on one of our 17 distinguished CSWE commissions or councils. Annually CSWE publishes a detailed account of the organization’s work, including the contributions of the commissions and councils, during the previous fiscal year. The latest installment, the 2012–2013 CSWE Annual Report (PDF), is now available on our website.
We hope that looking through the report will give you a deeper appreciation for the contributions member volunteers provide to CSWE operations. Members of CSWE commissions and councils are invaluable to advancing the work of the organization and the work of professional social workers. Each year CSWE seeks to identify new leadership for our commissions and councils, and we hope you will be inspired to join us!
Application Submission Application materials must be submitted using the new online CSWE 2014 Call for Volunteers system. After selecting that link, applicants select the name of the commission or council to which they wish to be appointed, enter their contact information, and upload three required documents.
- NEW: CSWE Application for Position on Commission and Council Form
- Curriculum vitae
- Brief Statement of Interest
The receipt deadline for member volunteer applications is Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Appointments are made by the chair of the CSWE Board of Directors and will be effective July 1, 2014. If you know someone who would contribute to the work of CSWE through a commission or council, please encourage them to apply. Criteria for Applications
- Applicants from underrepresented ethnic and cultural groups are sought to embody the diversity of the social work profession. (See CSWE Affirmative Action Plan (PDF) for additional information.)
- Include a CV and a brief statement identifying the requested appointment area and describing special areas of expertise and/or interest that will benefit that area.
- Applicant must be able to attend meetings (in person or via conference call). Commissions meet face-to-face twice a year—once during the Annual Program Meeting (APM) and again during the spring in Alexandria, VA. Councils generally meet face-to-face once a year during the APM. Commissions and councils conduct other business throughout the year via e-mail and conference calls.
Summarized below is information about the six commissions and their corresponding councils that can be used to identify possible volunteer service areas. Please note the numbers of anticipated vacancies for the 2014–2017 appointment cycle when making your decision. CSWE is committed to the promotion and affirmation of diversity in its broadest sense. We encourage the nomination of all candidates regardless of race, gender identity and expression, disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, and other types of cultural difference.
CSWE Commissions and Their Councils
1. Commission on Accreditation Potential Vacancies = 4 Skill sets needed: Must have at least 3 years’ experience as a CSWE site visitor; bilingual proficiency (Spanish speaking preferred); experience with online educational programming; and willingness to read documents online and meet deadlines. Especially encouraged to apply are representatives from BSW programs, the West Coast region, and small programs. 2. Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice Potential Vacancies = 2 Skill sets needed: Knowledge of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity; diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; women’s issues; disabilities and persons with disabilities; and grant funding. Especially encouraged to apply are CSWE Minority Fellowship Program graduates. Regional representation is sought for this commission.
Potential Vacancies = 6 Skill sets needed: Ability to develop curriculum modules and/or a model for training of direct care support staff. An interest in and willingness to lead a task group of the council is preferred. The council seeks individuals with a deep understanding of the diversity of the community of people with disabilities and its intersectionality with other aspects of diversity; individuals with expertise in psychiatric disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.
- Council on Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural DiversityPotential Vacancies = 8
The council is seeking members with knowledge and expertise in intersectionality. The council also seeks greater representation of people of American Indian/Alaskan Native and Latino heritage. Tenured faculty members are preferable.
Potential Vacancies = 11 Members with an interest in the council’s charge are needed
- to carry major responsibility for the council’s development of curriculum materials related to women’s issues in social work education;
- to identify procedures within academe and social work education that impede and promote full participation of women;
- to recommend to the Board policy statements, or development or modification of internal policy;
- to assist in coordinating activities related to women at all levels of social work education; and
- to stimulate new programs and activities.
Potential Vacancies = 10 Members are needed who have willingness and time to serve on subgroups and contribute to the monthly conference calls. The council seeks members who represent racial and ethnic minorities and LGBTQ persons with disabilities. 3. Commission on Educational Policy Potential Vacancies = 5 Especially sought are individuals with administrative experience (deans/directors), Commission on Accreditation experience, site visitor experience, and assessment expertise.
Potential Vacancies = 7 Skill sets needed: Clear understanding of the field director role and experience with field organizations at the national, state, or regional level or with consortiums. Regional representation is especially sought for this council.
Potential Vacancies = 6 Especially encouraged to apply are individuals who can respond to context, particularly those who are engaged with the field community and stakeholders in the practice community to develop a sound social work curriculum. Experience as a CSWE site visitor is needed. 4. Commission on Global Social Work Education Potential Vacancies = 7 The commission is seeking to increase its diversity and seeks members with experience in the Caribbean and Latin America, western and eastern Europe, and those working with indigenous populations.
Potential Vacancies = 10 Members with international group experience and who attend international meetings are especially encouraged to apply. The ability to lead work groups is needed. Members affiliated with the United Nations and with international and social development organizations are also encouraged to apply.
Potential Vacancies = 7 A member from the West or Southwest region of the United States who can provide representation for persons who are natives of Latin America or China is especially needed. 5. Commission on Membership and Professional Development Potential Vacancies = 4 The commission seeks members with interest/experience with membership recruitment. The commission is also seeking to diversify its makeup by increasing the number of males, faculty members of color, and representatives from BSW programs.
Potential Vacancies = 5 Especially needed are active APM presenters, previous APM track chairs, racial/ethnic/cultural diversity, and regional representation from the Northeast and Midwest.
Potential Vacancies = 4 Participants of Harvard Institutes of Higher Education (HIHE) or the Higher Education Resource Services(HERS) program and experienced field faculty are especially encouraged to apply. Willingness to review faculty merits according to the guidelines set by the council is needed.
Potential Vacancies = 3 Especially needed are scholars with strong publication records and the time available to review and discuss manuscripts submitted for publication by CSWE Press. One new member also will serve on the Journal of Social Work Education Editorial Advisory Board. Members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. 6. Commission on Research Potential Vacancies = 0 (please apply for future consideration) Especially needed are representatives of BSW, MSW, and PhD programs and evidence-based practice scholars. Members from RO1 and non-RO1 institutions are encouraged to apply. Representatives of diverse groups are encouraged to apply. The CSWE Board of Directors Chair looks forward to receiving your application. Sincerely,
Press Release: Social Work Helper Magazine was not involved in the creation of this content.