Bullying is a ‘dirty word’ nowadays. Dirty are the people who use bullying to control you to please themselves because of their own lack of self-worth. Dirty are the actual words and/or the actions the bullies dish out. Worse yet, dirty is how they make victims feel. It’s time to clean up the act.
Whether you are a bully or the poor soul who’s been attacked or abused by one, you can do something to help with the cleanup. Yes, anyone can so why not you and I. It may be in the school ground, on social media, at work or even your own home, but there is never a better time to act than the present.
Bullying is a physical or verbal and emotional assault on another person that is repeated over time. The victim is usually a soft spoken or timid individual as they are easy targets. I say, emotional assault for good reason because no matter whether an attacker is calling someone names or physically harming them – both types of abuse causes emotional harm.
All victims of significant bullying find themselves with low self-esteem or self-worth. This is the aim of the bully. Why? Because he’s self-esteem is low too and he doesn’t know how to better himself in practical, useful ways, so s/he takes it out on others to bring them down to their level – all under the cover of an all high and mighty mask though of course. They’re usually the last ones to admit their own mistakes.
Many bullies have been victims of it themselves in the past and rather than believing they are undeserving and better than that, some go onto becoming bullies themselves to cover up their own pain. They try to cover it up with a false sense of macho-ness.
It’s time to clean up our act…. it starts with bullies, victims or mates of bullies and victims – so no matter who you are – you can help take part and do your bit.
If you are a bully yourself and you’ve just owned up to the fact, in your own mind at least, then thank you – thank you for being honest and taking the first step to cleaning up the mess.
If you’ve been a bully or still are being bullied, well guess what? – no more! If you’re a mate of either a bully or a victim – it’s also time for you to act.
It can start today, right now. How you ask? Well, if the reason behind bullying is low self-worth (which I believe it is), then it’s time to build up your self-esteem and appreciate who you are, what you stand for and how you deserve to be treated.
Even if you believe you’re a bully because you witnessed your parents fighting with each other, or with yourself for that matter, it still comes down to low self-worth as a result of the violence. If you are willing to take a good, hard look at yourself you will be cleansed in no time.