Deciding whether or not to take medication for our mental illness has got to be the most difficult decision one has to make. Personally, I decided not to take medication for my anxiety. Instead I wanted to take the natural route by exercising, eating healthy, taking vitamins, and therapy. Whether you decide to take the medication route or the natural route having good insight and weighing your options can be really benefit you in your decision-making.
Medication is the primary treatment for many mental illnesses. Despite the negative portrayals given by the media, there can be many benefits to medicating your mental illness. Medication can really help people function in their day-to-day lives by reducing some of the paralyzing symptoms of mental illness. It is important to note that the reduction of symptoms does not indicate a cure. Many have really positive results from taking medications when taken the right way.
On the other hand, taking the medication route can also have its downsides. One of the main turnoffs to taking medication for me was the fear of certain side effects. Some common side effects for anxiety meds include drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, heart racing, rashes and more. They can also eliminate one symptom but with these side effects other symptoms may persist. Another thing to consider when deciding on medication is that it will involve a tough trial and error process. This process can include going through several different meds until you find the right combination with the right dosage. The most serious consequence that taking meds can come with is the risk of addiction.
All in all, by recognizing your mental illness, weighing your treatment options, and talking to your doctor, you are bound to find the path that is right for you. Many people, who go into treatments blindly, do not end up finding the right solution. As long as you do your research and go into the situation with an open mind, your mental health will thank you.
Listen to Episode 3 of my podcast Anxious Ramblings:
This episode will begin with some updates from my personal life. I will discuss my thoughts on medication as a treatment for anxiety. Anxious Ramblings will conclude with me reading some responses to the question: What role does the medication play in your mental health? Is it more beneficial or detrimental?
Listen to Episode 4 of Anxious Ramblings
I had some panic attacks in May 2014. The ‘theme’ was survival – everybody’s survival. During the attacks I thought the end of the world had come. It didn’t, and with therapy and some Valium at critical times I got back to ‘normal’ again, or so I thought.
Then, a couple of months ago, I started having some attacks again. I became consumed just by the fear of having another attack. I was concerned just trying to manage my crazy thoughts.
On my lunch break several weeks ago I had a crazy attack – fear I’d have a heart attack, this was my final moment, etc. I chomped down 2 Valiums, and left work early to go home and flop down on my bed. The next week I caught a cold. This helped take me out of my head and into my body, albeit with a cold. I got over the cold, kept telling myself I was getting better in every way. Then last Friday night in bed I was ‘arguing with somebody’ in my head about something, and I felt a panic coming over me. I got out of bed quick, chomped 1/2 Valium, and turned on my computer to Google ‘panic attacks’ as I had done before. Somehow, I reached a site that linked to a program for anxiety treatment. Just reading it changed things for me! I thought I was through with attacks, but if another one came, I could deal with it. Sunday night, an attack did started coming on. I diffused it just about immediately!
I feel like a new man. My appetite has returned. I notice things in my environment. I am optimistic again. My mind is no longer driving me crazy. I appreciate just being alive and this life I have been given. I can deal with whatever comes my way. And, I haven’t had a Valium since Friday’s attack. Copy and paste the link below to learn more about this great program for anxiety treatment:
Good luck to all!