A new study by researchers at the University at Buffalo provides a groundbreaking look at how advance care planning medical...
Read moreDetailsWorking on a boarding high-school campus, I have the opportunity to be exposed to different students. During my first year,...
Read moreDetailsPhoto Credit: Big Sister Association I am a social work intern at the Big Sister Association of Boston. This is...
Read moreDetailsFor years, permanently injured players have been left to figure out how they will financially support their families and how...
Read moreDetailsPhoto: AP The state of Florida has called for 17,000 volunteers to help out with the post-Irma recovery process, but...
Read moreDetailsOfficer patrols in front of a recent KKK rally in Charlottesville, Va. - Jill Mumie I am currently teaching a...
Read moreDetailsAutonomy is often used to mean independence. Though their dictionary definitions are similar and they are synonyms of each other, I...
Read moreDetailsRyan King, 33, works at Safeway in Northwest Washington. King, who has intellectual disabilities, and his parents want him to...
Read moreDetailsSometimes we need to be the change that we want to see in the world. Philip Patson - Creative and...
Read moreDetailsActor Sam Claflin played Will Traynor, a wealthy young banker, left paralyzed from an accident. Photo Credit: Movie "Me Befor...
Read moreDetailsThe Presidential Policy Series covers where the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, respectively, stand on healthcare...
Read moreDetailsIf you have a client with a disability or mental illness, he or she may want to apply for Social...
Read moreDetailsToday.com For years, NBC correspondent Peter Alexander watched his sister, Rebecca, battle an illness that slowly robbed her of sight...
Read moreDetailsMusic therapy has proven to be highly efficient as a therapeutic intervention in medical and personal settings, and it is...
Read moreDetailsI attended a workshop on accessible employment recently and was reminded, as I've written about before, what a fraught topic...
Read moreDetailsColorful shiny jelly set on the dark background Sensory toys, games and activities have so many benefits to children with...
Read moreDetailsA few weeks ago at the Home and Community Health Association conference, I met some of the team behind CleverCare,...
Read moreDetailsWe all do it. See someone new and, within seconds, our brains start making up stories about them. Or we...
Read moreDetailsA few years ago, my brother came home from school in tears. An A and B student with an intellectual...
Read moreDetailsRecently, I spent an hour at Rosebank Primary School in Avondale, Auckland, speaking as a Duffy Books in Homes Role Model. It’s something...
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