Why the United States Needs a Woman in the Presidency
Even had Hillary Clinton prevailed in the 2016 presidential contest, the United States would still have arrived late to the ...
Even had Hillary Clinton prevailed in the 2016 presidential contest, the United States would still have arrived late to the ...
Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Cyprus University of Technology and University College London have conducted the first large-scale ...
Congress allowed the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to expire Oct. 1, leading to the demise of one of ...
Three Hurricanes Looming off the East Coast of the United States It is becoming increasingly more difficult to deny the ...
NASW-Michigan Testimony for Public Hearing Re: House Bills 4188, 4189, 4190 (adoption/foster care) The National Association of Social Workers – ...
Watching transgender characters on fictional TV shows has the power to influence attitudes toward transgender people and policy issues, according ...
Why do political figures appear to be able to get away with mild truth bending and sometimes even outrageous lies? ...
Hillary Clinton's first interview after the election with CNN on May 02, 2017 She didn’t win the election and we ...
Political ideology is not something everyone thinks about, but for Social Workers it is infused in our profession whether we ...
The United States Department of Agriculture has recently removed all inspection records from its website--this means that inspection records from ...
The foundational values of human rights and social justice have always been compounded with socialism and social democracy as core ...
Pure and honest political conservatism as an ideology is often at the heart of our global problems - it unapologetically ...
Legislation that voids millions of American citizens of its Constitutional right to have a democratic government has been introduced to ...
Hungarian Camerawoman trips refugee child to prevent them from eluding police. Whilst politicians appear concerned about the monetary deficit invoked ...
Social work is at a crossroads. As a new generation of social workers move towards graduation and entrance into the ...
Having spent too many hours trying to understand the reasons for the incessant negative media output, I can find no ...
Charles and David Koch Back in April of 1985, the Coca Cola Company sensing a decline in its leading share ...
If you’re not sitting at the table, you’re on the menu. This pithy bit of wisdom was offered as a ...
It is time for social workers to begin to flex our political muscles because not much will change in the ...
Last week, President Barack Obama once again did the unusual by participating in a panel discussion as part of Georgetown ...
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