Cognitive Dissonance: How We Dismiss the Refugee Crisis
Hungarian Camerawoman trips refugee child to prevent them from eluding police. Whilst politicians appear concerned about the monetary deficit invoked ...
Hungarian Camerawoman trips refugee child to prevent them from eluding police. Whilst politicians appear concerned about the monetary deficit invoked ...
Since 2010, the Social Good Summit has grown substantially aided by the increasing popularity of social media and technology. Mashable ...
Social work is at a crossroads. As a new generation of social workers move towards graduation and entrance into the ...
With poverty and inequality being extremely prominent in the media recently, the Global Citizen’s Festival is well timed to advocate ...
If you’re not sitting at the table, you’re on the menu. This pithy bit of wisdom was offered as a ...
I began discussing economic inequality in my classrooms more than a decade ago when President Bush successfully pushed through Congress ...
Over the past year, we have witnessed massive protests around the world spawned by human rights violations, declining labor rights, ...
Failing to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, erasing the State's earned income tax credits for low wage working, ...
“Stigma is a five dollar word for a two dollar concept. It’s prejudice.” Stigma, a set of negative stereotypes tied ...
Obama Family leading the 50th Anniversary March- Photo Credit President Barack Obama, in what may be his most ...
New York-The Radical Age Movement held its first public event last evening at the New York Ethical Culture Society. One ...
Recent reports out of the United States raise important concerns about the soaring rates of children living in poverty which ...
As a group of students, staff, and faculty at the University of Utah College of Social Work, we join our ...
New York- Many in the New York social work community honored the reclaiming of Dr. King’s legacy, also known as the ...
Upon matriculating in medical school, students recite the Hippocratic Oath, declaring their commitment to promoting the health and well-being of ...
President Ronald Reagan signing law establishing a national holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as his widow Coretta Scott ...
The year 2014 was filled with significant momentum towards a more equal nation for individuals identifying as LGBT. After dozens ...
Everything I say below has been said before, but I want to make it clear that mine is yet another ...
Why are you a teacher, and what is the point of doing the job you do? Teachers really need to ...
When people think of working professionals on social media, often there is a negative connotation that comes to mind. Many ...
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