The Canadian Harm Reduction Network is a virtual meeting place for individuals and organizations committed to reducing the social, health...
Read moreDetailsOrange is the New Black-Netflix Original Series The popular Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, is based on real-life...
Read moreDetailsI was never a good student. I didn't get along with many of my teachers and didn't take the majority...
Read moreDetailsToo many people are incarcerated in the United States, particularly people of color. With nearly 1.5 million Americans in prison...
Read moreDetailsBeing blind to gender and sexuality seems to be a common theme within what makes a queer a queer. There...
Read moreDetails@FLOTUS/Michelle Obama It is critically important that social workers remain at the forefront of preventing the abuse and exploitation of...
Read moreDetailsOver two billion people in the world are unable to secure either access to safe water, or enough water to...
Read moreDetailsby Katherine Bisanz and Maggie Rosenblum of Social Workers for Reproductive Justice As we speak, the law in Tennessee is...
Read moreDetailsLAUSD Student Protest Some things simply aren’t written into our public school curriculum. There aren’t established standards for compassion, integrity,...
Read moreDetailsImagine a child watches domestic violence going on between her parents. It’s not a stretch to think of how scary...
Read moreDetailsDuring a single year, an estimated 2.1 million youth under the age of 18 are arrested in the United States. When...
Read moreDetailsCourt-mandated outpatient treatment in New York State, known as Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT), is a program designed to compel outpatient...
Read moreDetailsIn the days of Muhammad Ali and Wilma Rudolph, not only were they professional athletes at the top of their...
Read moreDetailsIn past administrations, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has been known for its role in being one branch of...
Read moreDetailsFrom gay veterans being banned from the St. Patrick’s Day parade to a father killing his own daughter because she was...
Read moreDetailsHarm reduction seeks to maintain people’s safety and minimize death, disease and injury from high-risk behaviour. The reduction of harmful...
Read moreDetailsThose who know me best know that one of my greatest passions is my love of books. Therefore, I was...
Read moreDetailsAnti-FGM campaigners Leyla Hussein and Ifrah Ahmed will be amongst a host of speakers set to talk about the challenges...
Read moreDetailsThe recent tragedy of the MH370 flight has triggered an unprecedented international search. The world’s thoughts are with the passengers and...
Read moreDetailsYesterday, the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service announced that it will be prosecuting two men over allegations of female genital mutilation...
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