Is Counseling For You
By: Edward Neukrug, Michael Kalkbrenner, & Sandy-Ann Griffith Have you been in counseling or therapy? If not, have you ever ...
By: Edward Neukrug, Michael Kalkbrenner, & Sandy-Ann Griffith Have you been in counseling or therapy? If not, have you ever ...
The advent of modern antidepressant medication has been a lifesaver to many. Recent research demonstrates that a combination of counselling ...
The Grand Concourse Counseling Center opened its doors this week, creating a centralized mental health clinic in the heart of ...
(AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy) A new study by a Baylor University researcher gives voice to women who have placed a child ...
Childhood stress levels are at an all time high. According to the Healthy Young Minds report, around 10 percent of ...
By Tracy Cerff Too often we hear it said that a woman should ‘just leave’ a violent relationship. It is ...
I was working as a social worker in Denmark for some at a highly specialised university hospital until I moved ...
Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it's Superhero Therapy! Not to be mistaken for when superheroes happen ...
Traveling with friends and family to events is something I like to do for two reasons. One is the fact ...
Marlene M. Maheu, a therapist, uses video conferencing to communicate remotely with patients. She has served on task forces to ...
As of 2013, May is officially mental health month which was set in motion by President Obama, and it has made a ...
People attend counselling because of distress and want relief as quickly as possible. With traditional counselling approaches, people see the counsellor ...
According to the National Center for Children in Povery (NCCP), “One in 10 youth has serious mental health problems that ...
Story's Angel of Grief Not long ago I was given a book on grief, one of those self-published books that ...
I find it fascinating that we, as social workers, proclaim we want to help people make better choices and choose ...
by Polly-Gean Cox, LCSWA Monday August 19th, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey declared the practice of conversion therapy on ...
"You can't help others until you first help yourself". "Don't burn your candle from both ends". I used to hate ...
Social isolation, discrimination, and labeling are a part of the everyday struggles faced by the mentally ill. 1 in 4 ...
We’re not talking about the old Playboy or Penthouse from years ago. That stuff of yore is tame in comparison ...
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